Welcome to Catorameow
Located at Section 9 Shah Alam, we provide a premium grooming and boarding services for all cat breeds. Catorameow is a cat-focused brand that offers a range of products and services for cat owners and their feline friends. From high-quality cat food and toys to grooming services and boarding facilities, Catorameow is dedicated to providing the best care and products for cats. Our brand is committed to ensuring that your cat is happy and healthy, and we are passionate about what we do. Whether you need help with grooming, boarding, or just finding the right product for your cat, Catorameow is here to help. Visit our shop or book your appointment now!
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Looking & Smelling Great!

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Latest News
New CatoraHotel Boarding Prices Announced: Give Your Cat the Perfect Getaway
Starting 15th March 2023, our prices will increase slightly to reflect the upgraded services we’re now offering. Rest assured, the price increase is modest, and we’re confident that you’ll be thrilled with the results. At Catorameow, we understand that your cat is a valued member of your family, and we promise to treat them with
Monthly Pest Control
The monthly pest control session is a MUST at Catorameow to ensure our shop’s environment is pest-free, hygienic and safe for all the cats. All products used are non-toxic organic, which is not harmful at all. This important job is done by authorized company ecoCare Pest Control Sdn Bhd.